Deleted Registery entries return after reboot, in Advanced.

General discussion about Acelogix Software products

Deleted Registery entries return after reboot, in Advanced.

Post by Leigh » Thu Jan 15, 2004 9:33 pm

After deleting "all" listed Registery entries, with "Ignore List" "on", eight additional entries were listed after just closing, reopening the program, & re-scanning;
Why were they not detected on the first scan/ delete process?

When deleting "all" listed items with the "Ignore List" "off", about 36 entries return, after repeated deletions, each re-boot; If the program has deleted these "items", why do they continiously return?


Posts: 278
Joined: Mon Aug 04, 2003 7:26 am
Location: USA

Post by Cal » Fri Jan 16, 2004 12:53 am

Hi Leigh

This happens simply because windows will re-create some of those entries and also, some programs will cause this to happen my scanner's software does this all the time, it's really nothing to be concerned about though. :wink:

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